Jianxiong Guo (郭剑雄)

  • E-mail: jianxiong.guo@utdallas.edu
  • PhD candidate in Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, US


Online Bookstore (06/2017 - 10/2017)

  • Development tools: MyEclipse 2016 | Tomcat 8.0 | Mysql | JDK 1.8
  • Role: Finished independently
  • Technique: html | css | javascript | servlet | jsp | jstl | el | javabean | filter | listerner | javaMail | commons-dbutils | c3p0 | commons-fileupload | commons-beanutils | jdbc | ajax | xml
  • Description: The architecture of this project can be divided into user interface layer, business logic layer and data access layer, and the dependencies between layers are from bottom to top. The user interface layer adopts jsp to develop. The business layer encapsulates the business processes. In order to adapt to business changes, each business module has a special interface and implementation class. With the help of c3p0 data source, data access layer is concise and adapt to different databases. Introduction of main function: The user can be divided into three types, visitors, members, and administrators. For visitors, they can browse the product, find the product, and can also register as member. For members, not only to complete the functions of visitors, they can also add products to the shopping cart, operate the goods in the shopping cart and place order. Through member operation page, they can view and modify member information, pay for unpaid orders and cancel orders. For administrators, they can add and review products, and modify the information of products. They can see all the orders, manage the orders and download sales list.
  • Responsibility: Requirement Analysis; Website structure Design and Database Design; Developed the Code as per the requirements; Handled different types of issues; Revised and tested it according to the feedback from user

Tencent, Dept. of social network operation, Al security lab (05/2018 - 08/2018)

  • Participated in the SNG Intern MINI project to complete the Q bill development, mainly responsible for the design and implementation of the database, and won the bronze award
  • visual development in Star Graph; complete the addition, deletion, merging, and debugging of the layout algorithm
  • Connect the Star Graph front end with the gremlin (graph database)
  • Implement the CD/SD algorithm (unsupervised learning) in Phua's paper, debug parameters, and apply in the Kuainiu registration scenario to predict whether users will overdue payment
  • Kuainiu data feature analysis and extraction, and machine learning method to predict whether users overdue repayment
  • Extract Kuainiu user data and establish a network, familiar with the graph calculation framework developed by colleagues in the group, and calculate graph features
  • Combine the features of Kuainiu registration scene with the graph features, and use the ensemble learning method to train the features. The accuracy of the results is significantly improved compared with the previous ones
  • Cooperate with Yunding Lab to participate in the pre-research of malware detection technology, and programmatically establish file-to-file map and mark malicious nodes with semi-supervised strategy


Please contact me by my personal E-mail: guojx93@outlook.com. Thank you very much!!